All local space heaters manufactured for sale in the EU after 1st January 2018 which use electricity, gaseous or liquid fuels, must comply with a minimum efficiency standard. This includes electric radiators, electric underfloor heating and electric and gas fires.
4mm silver mirrored glass / Simply wire the heater to a fuse spur / Hidden wiring / No need to manually switch heaters “on” or “off”
Keylock mode / Simple to Programme / Up to 6 temperature settings per day / 7 day clock / Advance mode / Economy mode Holiday mode / Boost Mode / Inbuilt room temperature sensor / Frost protection / Powered by 2 x 1.5v Alkaline batteries
The TX control unit sends a 433MHz radio signal to each “registered” heater within a radius of 30 metres. Each RX panel heater has an inbuilt receiver designed to respond to a signal from the WCT 100/RX.